We are 100% volunteer run and proud of it! Our amazing volunteers are truly tremendous! Some assist clients in store, restock shelves and pack client orders, whilst others pickup food deliveries from our suppliers.

If you would like to volunteer with us, whether it’s organising a non-perishable food drive within your neighbourhood, help us apply for grants or just share our social media pages – we’d love to hear from you! Check out social media for vacancies, or get in touch.

Volunteer your time

We always need volunteers with re-stocking shelves, packing food relief orders, picking up food supplies and so much more.

This is on a calendar basis, and although we would love for consistent volunteers – we are always on the look out for last minute support.

To express your interest please email us with ‘Volunteer’ in your subject line.

Volunteer your skills / knowledge

Lend your skills, knowledge and expertise to make this the best emergency food relief today.

Are you an absolute wizard at applying for grants? Or brilliant when it comes to putting together nutritious meals? Have you identified a way we could do things better online? We always welcome new ideas to making this charity even better!

To express your interest please email us ‘Volunteer’ in your subject.

To our volunteers, thank you for all your work.

Vaissy Dasler
Charity Coordinator

Vaissy brings her passion for community aid built through 18 years of volunteering in food relief, material aid and emergency management charities. Her previous occupation in healthcare highlighted inequality within CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) communities and this continues to be a focus today. Nourishing Neighbours was founded with a mission to ensure culturally appropriate food is accessible to those experiencing food insecurity.


Rachael is a Pascoe Vale local who is passionate about nutrition and health, having worked in the local area for 25 years as a Naturopath and Nutritionist. Volunteering at Nourishing Neighbours gives her with the opportunity to provide nutritious food to people in need.